Note: Enrollment in this Email List is available to anyone interested in Neural Networks.
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Upcoming Conferences:
1. Interest Areas (Register separately for each area): Applications Biomedical Computational Intelligence Controls Learning Pattern Recognition Other
2. Neural Networks Role (Select One): NN Professional Student Interested Party Newcomer to NN
3. Category (Select One): NN User NN Producer NN Academic General
Note: General means you fit more than one category
(Company or University)
(Mailing Address)
(City).............................. (State).............................. (Zip Code)
(Email).............................. (WWW)
(IEEE Societies) Names of IEEE Societies of interest to you.
IEEE Member
INNS Member
Optional information to help us get acquainted and plan our conferences and other activities:
VITA: (One paragraph description of your technical and/or neural networks background.)
SKILLS: (Areas of Interest and Level of Expertise in Each)
Which IEEE and/or INNS Publications in this area do you read on a regular basis?
Which non-IEEE/INNS Publications in this area do you read on a regular basis?
MEETINGS: Which conferences do you regularly attend?
MENTORS: Please consider inviting the following person(s) to serve as a mentor in areas listed below:
Include complete contact information, qualifications and areas or projects to be mentored. Self-nomination is allowed. Mentors may be requested to recommend sources of information in their area of expertise.
(Return to Top of Form)
Or Download and Email this NN Email Interest Form to ICNN 97 Publicity Chair, Mary Lou Padgett: pci-inc@mindspring.com, 1165 Owens Road, Auburn, AL 36830 Phone: (334) 821-2472 Fax: (334) 821-3488
You may want to follow up this registration request by personal contact with the ICNN Committee Members (Return to VI Home Page.)
Your suggestions and ideas for conference (and other) NN activities are welcome.