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SS1:Adaptive Critic Designs .......... SS7:Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks .......... SS5:Intelligent Control Theory and Applications .......... SS9:Knowledge-based Methods in Neural Networks .......... SS4:Linguistic Rule Extraction .......... SS6:Neural Networks Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems .......... SS3:Neuro-Fuzzy Integration .......... SS8:Sensors and Biosensors .......... SS2:Visual System Models & Prostheses


Monday, June 9

10:50 AM - 12:30 PM

SS6. Neural Networks Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems

Amuliya Garga, Pennsylvania State University

16:10 - 18:10 PM

SS1. Adaptive Critic Designs

Danil Prokhorov, Texas Tech University

SS3. Neuro-Fuzzy Integration

Mike Smith, University of California, Berkeley

SS4. Linguistic Rule Extraction

Hisao Ichibuchi, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

SS5. Intelligent Control Theory and Applications

Sigeru Omatu, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan

Tuesday, June 10

14:40 - 16:00 PM

SS9A. Knowledge-based Mehods in Neural Networks

Ian Cloete, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Robert Kozma, University of Otago, New Zealand

Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute, Princeton

SS2A. Visual System Models & Prostheses

Rolf Eckmiller, University of Bonn, Germany

Shiro Usui, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Wednesday, June 11

14:40 - 16:00 PM

SS8. Sensors and Biosensors

Harold Szu, University of Southwestern Louisiana and NSWC

SS9B. Knowledge-based Mehods in Neural Networks

Ian Cloete, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Robert Kozma, University of Otago, New Zealand

Lee Giles, NEC Research Institute, Princeton

SS2B. Visual System Models & Prostheses

Rolf Eckmiller, University of Bonn, Germany

Shiro Usui, Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan

Thursday, June 12

10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon

SS7A. Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks

David Brown, Food and Drug Administration, Harry Burke, New York Medical College

13:20 - 15:20 PM

SS7B. Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks

David Brown, Food and Drug Administration, Harry Burke, New York Medical College

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ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1A Paper Number: 709 Oral

Primitive adaptive critics

Danil Prokhorov and Lee A. Feldkamp

Keywords: adaptive critics recurrent neural networks feedback controllers


ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1B Paper Number: 710 Oral

Unified formulation for training recurrent networks with derivative adaptive critics

L. A. Feldkamp, G. V. Puskorius and D. V. Prokhorov

Keywords: training recurrent networks derivative adaptive critics


ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1C Paper Number: 708 Oral

Asymptotic dynamic programming: Preliminary concepts and results

R. Saeks, C. Cox and A. Maren

Keywords: Asymptotic dynamic programming Adaptive critic nonlinear dynamical systems


ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1D Paper Number: 707 Oral

The need for improved reinforcement learning techniques in intelligent agents

Donald C. Wunsch II

Keywords: reinforcement learning intelligent agents neural networks


ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1E Paper Number: 706 Oral

Immunized adaptive critics

K. Krishna Kumar and J. Neidhoefer

Keywords: Adaptive critic Immunized computational systems intelligent control


ICNN97 Special Session on Adaptive Critic Designs Session: SS1F Paper Number: 705 Oral

Adaptive critic based neurocontroller for autolanding of aircrafts with varying glideslopes

Gaurav Saini and S.N. Balakrishnan

Keywords: neurocontroller autolanding of aircrafts varying glideslopes Adaptive critic


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.1A Paper Number: 732 Oral

Top-down and bottom-up image processing

Lawrence W. Stark and Claudio Privitera

Keywords: Top-down image processing bottom-up image processing scanpath theory


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.1B Paper Number: 731 Oral

Introducing visual latencies into spin-lattice models for image segmentation: a neuromorphic approach to a computer vision problem

Ralf Opara and Florentin Worgotter

Keywords: visual latencies spin-lattice models image segmentation computer vision


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.1C Paper Number: 730 Oral

Artificial retina chips

Kazuo Kyuma and Yasunari Miyake

Keywords: Artificial retina chips interactive games


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.1D Paper Number: 729 Oral

Physiological engineering model of the outer retina

Shiro Usui, Yoshimi Kamiyama, Toshihiko Ogura, Akito Ishihara and Tomoya Hamada

Keywords: Physiological engineering outer retina ionic current


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.2A Paper Number: 735 Oral

Dialog concepts for learning retina encoders

R. Eckmiller, M. Becker and R. Hunermann

Keywords: Dialog concepts retina encoders blindness retina stimulator


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.2B Paper Number: 733 Oral

The physiological connection: stimulating the human and amphibian retina

Gislin Dagnelie, Mark Humayun, Robert Greenberg and Eugene de Juan Jr.

Keywords: human retina amphibian retina blindness visual impairment


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.2C Paper Number: 734 Oral

The cellular nonlinear network as a retinal camera for visual prosthesis

Frank S. Werblin, Adam Jacobs and Tama Roska

Keywords: cellular nonlinear network retinal camera visual prosthesis


ICNN97 Visual System Models & Prostheses Session: SS2.2D Paper Number: 728 Oral

Color and intensity information representations by a network of turtle retinal ganglion cells

Richard A. Normann, Josef Ammermuller, Shy Shoham and Almut Branner

Keywords: Color and intensity information representatio neural network turtle retinal ganglion cells


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3A Paper Number: 747 Oral

A fuzzy neural hybrid system modeling

I. Burhan Turksen

Keywords: fuzzy neural integration unsupervised learning fuzzy sets fuzzy clustering


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3B Paper Number: 714 Oral

Fuzzy inference networks: an introduction

W. Pedrycz and M. H. Smith

Keywords: Fuzzy inference networks fuzzy sets neural networks fuzzy inference


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3C Paper Number: 711 Oral

Neural nets can be universal approximators for fuzzy functions

J. J. Buckley and Yoichi Hayashi

Keywords: Neural nets universal approximators fuzzy functions


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3D Paper Number: 713 Oral

Speaker recognition with a self-configuring neural network

Jie lei and Lawrence O. Hall

Keywords: Speaker recognition self-configuring neural network LBG clustering algorithm


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3E Paper Number: 761 Oral

Neural net approximations to solutions of systems of fuzzy linear equations

J.J. Buckley and Yoichi Hayashi

Keywords: fuzzy linear equations neural net approximations sign restrictions


ICNN'97 Neuro-fuzzy Integration Session: SS3F Paper Number: 712 Oral

On tool wear estimation through neural networks

Guenter Luetzig, Manuel Sanchez-Castillo and Reza Langari

Keywords: intelligent monitoring sensor data fusion tool wear monitoring recurrent neural networks


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4A Paper Number: 719 Oral

A study in experimental evaluation of neural network and genetic algorithm techniques for knowledge acquisition in fuzzy classification systems

Ilona Jagielska, Chris Matthews and Tim Whitfort

Keywords: neural network genetic algorithm knowledge acquisition fuzzy classification systems


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4B Paper Number: 720 Oral

Acquisition of fuzzy rules using fuzzy neural networks with forgetting

Motohide Umano, Shiro Fukunaka, Itsuo Hatono and Hiroyuki Tamura

Keywords: fuzzy rule Acquisition fuzzy neural networks forgetting


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4C Paper Number: 718 Oral

Knowledge extraction from hierarchical fuzzy model obtained by fuzzy neural networks and genetic algorithm

T. Furuhashi, S. Matsushita, H. Tsutsui and Y. Uchikawa

Keywords: Knowledge extraction hierarchical fuzzy model fuzzy neural networks genetic algorithm


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4D Paper Number: 717 Oral

Fuzzy rule extraction, reasoning and rules adaptation in fuzzy neural networks

Nikola K. Kasabov

Keywords: Fuzzy rule extraction Fuzzy reasoning rules adaptation fuzzy neural networks


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4E Paper Number: 716 Oral

Extraction of crisp logical rules using constrained backpropagation networks

Wlodzilslaw Duch, Rafal Adamczak, and Krzysztof Grabczewski

Keywords: crisp logical rules constrained backpropagation networks rule extraction


ICNN97 Linguistic Rule Extraction Session: SS4F Paper Number: 715 Oral

Linguistic rule extraction from neural networks and genetic-algorithm-based rule selection

Hisao Ishibuchi, Manabu Nii and Tadahiko Murata

Keywords: rule extraction rule selection fuzzy reasoning genetic algorithm


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5A Paper Number: 725 Oral

Robust NLq neural control theory

J.A.K. Suykens, B. De Moor and J. Vandewalle

Keywords: multilayer recurrent neural networks neural control NLq systems real parametric uncertainty


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5B Paper Number: 723 Oral

Feedback-error-learning control with considering smoothness of unknown nonlinearities

Yasuaki Kuroe, Hidehisa Inayoshi and Takehiro Mori

Keywords: Feedback-error-learning control inverse models forward models


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5C Paper Number: 726 Oral

Fuzzy logic controllers generated by pseudo-bacterial genetic algorithm with adaptive operator

Tomonori Hashiyama, Norberto Eiji Nawa, Takeshi Furuhashi and Yoshiki Uchikawa

Keywords: fuzzy modeling genetic algorithm bacterial genetics hybrid systems


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5D Paper Number: 722 Oral

A sliding mode controller with neural network and fuzzy logic

Minho Lee

Keywords: sliding mode controller neural network fuzzy logic


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5E Paper Number: 721 Oral

Neuro-approach for intelligent systems development

Sigeru Omatu and Mitchifumi Yoshioka

Keywords: neuro-control PID control intelligent control inverted pendulum


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5F Paper Number: 724 Oral

Adaptive control and stability analysis of nonlinear systems using neural networks

Osamu Yamanaka, Naoto Yoshizawa, Hiromitsu Ohmori and Akira Sano

Keywords: Adaptive control stability analysis nonlinear systems neural networks


ICNN97 Intelligent Control, Theory & Applications Session: SS5G Paper Number: 727 Oral

temperature control in a batch process by neural networks

Takeshi Iwasa, Noboru Morizumi, and Sigeru Omatu

Keywords: PID control neural network chemical plant batch process


ICNN97 NN Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems Session: SS6A Paper Number: 703 Oral

An ANS based helicopter transmission diagnostic system

Xiaoshu Xu, Hans Vanderveldt and Robert Allen

Keywords: Artificial Neural System helicopter transmission diagnostic system mechanical diagnostics


ICNN97 NN Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems Session: SS6B Paper Number: 701 Oral

A neural architecture for fuzzy classification with application to complex system tracking

Patrick A. Stadter and Amulya K. Garga

Keywords: neural architecture fuzzy classification complex system tracking Voronoi diagram


ICNN97 NN Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems Session: SS6C Paper Number: 704 Oral

Learning the correlation of beam position monitors for Pohang synchrotron light source using neural networks

Jae Woo Lee and Sungzoon Cho

Keywords: Learning correlation of beam position monitors synchrotron light source neural networks


ICNN97 NN Applications for Monitoring of Complex Systems Session: SS6D Paper Number: 702 Oral

Intelligent hybrid multi-agent architecture for engineering complex systems

R. Khosla and T. Dillon

Keywords: Intelligent hybrid multi-agent architecture engineering complex systems real time alarm processing


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.1A Paper Number: 743 Oral

Neural network based segmentation using a priori image models

S. Sanjay Gopal, Berkman Sahiner, Heang-Ping Chan and Nicholas Petrick

Keywords: Neural network segmentation a priori image models


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.1B Paper Number: 739 Oral

Feature selection and classification for the computerized detection of mass lesions in digital mammography

Matthew A. Kupinski and Maryellen L. Giger

Keywords: Feature classification Feature selection mass lesions digital mammography


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.1C Paper Number: 740 Oral

An artificial neural network to predict mortality in patients who undergo percutaneous coronary interventions

Georgia D. Tourassi and Nicholas P. Xenopoulos

Keywords: artificial neural network mortality prediction percutaneous coronary interventions


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.1D Paper Number: 742 Oral

neural network design for optimization of the partial area under the receiver operating characteristic curve

Berkman Sahiner, Heang-Ping Chan, Nicholas Petrick, S. Sanjay Gopal and Mitchell M. Goodsitt

Keywords: neural network design optimization receiver operating characteristic curve


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.1E Paper Number: 741 Oral

Self-organizing maps for analyzing mammographic findings

Joseph Y. Lo and Carey E. Floyd, Jr.

Keywords: Self-organizing maps mammographic findings analysis neural networks


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.2A Paper Number: 737 Oral

Neurometric assessment of adequacy of intraoperative anesthetic

Lars J. Kangas, Paul E. Keller, Carlton M. Cadwell, Rick Webber, Polly Pierce and Harvey L. Edmonds

Keywords: intraoperative anesthetic EEG signals supervised artificial neural networks


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.2B Paper Number: 738 Oral

A three dimensional neural architecture

Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou and Timothy J. Dasey

Keywords: three dimensional neural architecture lateral connections feedback connections


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.2C Paper Number: 736 Oral

Visual ophtalmologist an automated system for classification of retinal damage

Sergey Aleynikov and Evangelia Micheli-Tzanakou

Keywords: Visual ophtalmologist image classification retinal damage


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.2D Paper Number: 744 Oral

Genetic function approximation in the molecular pharmacology of cancer

Leming M. Shi, Yi Fan, Timothy G. Myers and John N. Weinstein

Keywords: Genetic function approximation molecular pharmacology of cancer cancer breast cancer


ICNN97 Biomedical Applications Session: SS7.2E Paper Number: 752 Oral

Evaluating artificial neural networks for medical application

Harry B. Burke

Keywords: artificial neural networks model accuracy significance testing


ICNN97 Sensors and Biosensors Session: SS8A Paper Number: 762 Oral

Neural network assisted drug detection in x-ray images

Gregg D. Wilensky, Narbik Manukian, John L. Kirkwood, and Jung-Chou Chang

Keywords: drug detection x-ray images neural networks


ICNN97 Sensors and Biosensors Session: SS8B Paper Number: 748 Oral

Detection and discrimination using X radiation

David G. Brown and Robert J. Jennings

Keywords: X radiation X-ray imaging reconstruction imaging multiple-energy imaging


ICNN97 Sensors and Biosensors Session: SS8C Paper Number: 749 Oral

Pulse coupled neural networks (PCNN) and wavelets: Biosensor applications

Mary Lou Padgett and John L. Johnson

Keywords: pulse coupled neural network wavelets biosensor factor classification


ICNN97 Sensors and Biosensors Session: SS8D Paper Number: 750 Oral

Blind De-mixing with unknown sources

Harold Szu and Charles Hsu

Keywords: multisensor data processing multispectral data processing Lagrangian-Hopfield neural network Hopfield energy function


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.1A Paper Number: 754 Oral

On the conscious and subconscious components of knowledge representation in neural networks

Robert Kozma

Keywords: neural networks knowledge representation learning


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.1B Paper Number: 759 Oral

Some issues in system identification using clustering

Nikhil R. Pal, Kuhu Pal, James C. Bezdek and Thomas A. Runkler

Keywords: system identification clustering fuzzy reasoning system


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.1C Paper Number: 753 Oral

The truth is in there: Current issues in extracting rules from trained artificial neural networks

Alan B. Tickle, Mostefa Golea, Ross Hayward and Joachim Diedrich

Keywords: artificial neural networks training rule extraction


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.1D Paper Number: 758 Oral

Asynchronous translations with recurrent neural nets

Ramon P. Neco and Mikel L. Forcada

Keywords: asynchronous translation recurrent neural networks finite-state machines finite-state recognizers


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.2A Paper Number: 756 Oral

Possibilistic reasoning in a computational neural network

Andreas Kanstein, Marc Thomas and Karl Goser

Keywords: possibilistic reasoning computational neural network classification system fuzzy logic system


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.2B Paper Number: 757 Oral

Genetic algorithms for structural optimization, dynamic adaptation and automated design of fuzzy neural networks

Nikola K. Kasabov and Michael J. Watts

Keywords: genetic algorithms structural optimization dynamic adaptation fuzzy neural networks


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.2C Paper Number: 760 Oral

An overview on supervised neural networks for structures

Alessandro Sperduti

Keywords: supervised neural networks structures hybrid systems


ICNN97 Knowledge-based Methods in NN Session: SS9.2D Paper Number: 755 Oral

BEXA: Set covering vs. neural network knowledge acquisition - a comparative review

Ian Cloete

Keywords: set covering neural network knowledge acquisition machine learning

Web Site Author: Mary Lou Padgett (m.padgett@ieee.org)
URL: http://www.mindspring.com/~pci-inc/ICNN97/papersp.htm
(Last Modified: 29-May-1997)